Kamis, 26 November 2009

Nurul Ummah,UIn SUKA and MUHIBA,…

Nurul Ummah,UIn SUKA and MUHIBA,…
Let’s cheer for a lot of friend and experience,..
And please forgive my bad habits which it hurt,..
Than I can get good, better and the best,…
Shitz!!i hate and must be shy bcoz of it

First for all,..
Frighten and still small,.
With one that I call virgin with a blur cloth,..
Ever hope so much,before I understand and met everything,..
Yeah everything from good and bad,….
First dedication; speech contest which it educate me a lot in debate,..
HUFH!!it’s gone,. sometime I miss it and often repent why I can met her,.

No prediction before and under pressure,..
It was not supported condition,…but everything is possible,.
And we prove it!!!one million!!was too big for us at that time,..
And my bad habit happen again,damn,..
I don’t believe it was human,…
And the VWBC was really really blur,..
(sorry,..i’m only human)
Yuph HUMAN!!,……………..

We sure it was magic,..
No one think or predicte before ,…this new comer
Would make new story,..
That bantul was not only tirtonirmolo,1 bantul and ali maksum,..
But so on ibnul qoyyim for boys,..
2nd winner and 2nd best speaker. great!!!,.
Even at the province I (will) lost!!
No more training and great permfomance such before
I just want to focus to my last exam and higher education level,..
Yuph,..u just can continue or repair it my brother,……
No one is impossible,.,..just believe t,..
Do THE BEST!! And give to Allah,………

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